Ref. BB5531

BIO BBS BO RAIN 595 - 20 kg box

MSRP : 276.00 € incl. tax

Out of stock

BO dynamics rain 593 balls. For caliber 5.93mm, the bbs are delivered in bulk in a 20kg box.

SKU Designation French Law Caliber Weight (Kg) Weight (g) Pack. Colors MSRP
SKU BB5531 Designation 0.25g - 20Kg Organic French Law Vente libre Caliber 6 mm airsoft Weight (Kg) 20 Weight (g) 0.25 Pack. 80000 Colors White MSRP
276.00 € incl. tax
SKU BB5533 Designation 0.20g - 20Kg Organic French Law Vente libre Caliber 6 mm airsoft Weight (Kg) 20 Weight (g) 0.20 Pack. 100000 Colors White MSRP
265.00 € incl. tax
Technical Product Information
In France products of categories A, B, C or D are subject to rules of purchase, port, transport and detention. For more details please consult the link below.
Classification of weapons according to the French Internal Security Code